Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mother and Baby: Diaper Rash and How to Deal With It

At some point all babies will suffer from diaper rash so you are going to have to make sure that you know how to deal with it. Usually cases are fairly mild, often so mild that you may not realize that your child has it. Other times it will be much more serious and represent a real problem that you will need to address.
In order to deal with diaper rash the first thing that you are going to have to be able to do is to identify it. This is usually easy to do as most cases appear as red and irritated skin in the areas that are normally covered by the diaper. That being said in some severe cases it may also spread to the thighs or the stomach.
The best way to deal with a diaper rash is to prevent it from happening in the first place. The best way to do this is to make sure that you change your baby right away if they need it. Wearing a dirty diaper is by far the most common cause. Another common cause is eating foods that are unfamiliar, if you have introduced your baby to a new food and they have developed a diaper rash stop feeding him that food.
Another key to preventing diaper rash is to keep the area as dry as possible. When you change your baby make sure that you clean the area thoroughly and that it is completely dry before you put the diaper on. There are also ointments that you can try that are supposed to help prevent diaper rash. Despite your best efforts there is a pretty good chance that your baby will still get a diaper rash but you can reduce the frequency with which it happens.
If your baby does develop a diaper rash there is not much that you can do to treat it other than the things that you would do to prevent it. The rash will go away on its own but it will take time. The best thing that you can do to help it heal is to allow your baby to go around without a diaper on. Obviously this is not going to be practical most of the time. It may however be possible if you keep him in an area where it would be easy to clean up the mess like the kitchen floor or out in the back yard. If you can't allow your baby to go without a diaper leaving it looser than normal may be an option to consider.
One of the best sources of information on mother and baby issues is baby websites.
By Drew Graham

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